The Fascinating History of Social Media: From Six Degrees to TikTok

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, allowing us to connect with others, share information, and stay up-to-date on current events. But where did it all begin? In this article, we'll explore the history of social media, from the early days of Six Degrees to the latest craze of TikTok.

Six Degrees: The First Social Media Platform

Believe it or not, the first social media platform was created way back in 1997, and it was called Six Degrees. This platform allowed users to upload a profile and connect with other users, paving the way for future social media sites. However, Six Degrees ultimately shut down in 2001 due to financial issues.

Friendster: The Early Days of Social Networking

Before Facebook became the behemoth it is today, there was a social media platform called Friendster. Launched in 2002, it quickly gained popularity, reaching over 100 million users. However, technical issues and the rise of Facebook ultimately led to its downfall.

YouTube: The Birthplace of Viral Videos

YouTube was launched in 2005, and quickly became a popular platform for sharing videos. The first viral video on the site was a video called "Lazy Sunday," which was uploaded in the same year and quickly became a sensation. Today, YouTube is the second most visited website in the world and has over 2 billion monthly active users.

Twitter: The Birth of the Hashtag

Twitter was launched in 2006, originally as a platform for podcasting. However, the founders quickly pivoted to focus on status updates, and the site took off. In 2007, user Chris Messina suggested using the hashtag (#) to organize tweets and conversations, and the rest is history. Today, Twitter has over 330 million monthly active users.

The Arab Spring Uprisings and the Role of Social Media

In 2010-2012, a series of uprisings occurred in the Middle East and North Africa, collectively known as the Arab Spring. Social media played a crucial role in these uprisings, with protesters using Facebook and Twitter to organize and share information. This demonstrated the power of social media as a tool for political change.

TikTok: The Latest Craze

Finally, we come to TikTok, the latest social media platform to take the world by storm. Launched in 2016, the app allows users to create and share short videos set to music. In just a few short years, it has become one of the most popular apps in the world, with over 1 billion monthly active users.

Keywords: social media, history of social media, Six Degrees, Friendster, YouTube, Twitter, Arab Spring, TikTok, viral videos, hashtags, social networking. 
