10 of the Weirdest Laws Around the World

 As we go about our daily lives, we usually follow the rules and regulations set by our governments. However, some of these laws may seem a little bizarre or even downright weird. From not being allowed to forget your spouse's birthday to being penalized for having a certain waistline, here are ten of the weirdest laws around the world.

Denmark: Check for Children Underneath Your Car

In Denmark, it is illegal to start your car without first checking if any children are sleeping underneath it. The law was passed to prevent accidents involving young children who may be playing near parked cars.

Thailand: Don't Step on Money

If you ever find yourself in Thailand, be careful not to step on any money! The country's currency features a picture of the king, and it is considered disrespectful to step on his image.

Switzerland: No Late Night Flushing

In Switzerland, apartment residents are not allowed to flush their toilets after 10 pm to avoid disturbing their neighbors. The law is enforced to ensure that everyone gets a good night's sleep.

Singapore: No Chewing Gum

If you are visiting Singapore, be aware that chewing gum is illegal except for medical reasons. The law was put in place to prevent people from littering the streets with gum.

Japan: No Fat Employees

In Japan, companies are required to measure the waistlines of their employees, and they can be penalized if their workers are deemed overweight. The law was put in place to encourage a healthy lifestyle and reduce healthcare costs.

United Arab Emirates: No Sharing Private Information

In the United Arab Emirates, it is illegal to share private information about someone on social media without their consent. This law was put in place to protect people's privacy and prevent cyberbullying.

Germany: No Stripes for Pedestrians

If you're planning to visit Germany, don't be surprised if you don't see any striped pedestrian crossings. In some regions of the country, it is illegal to have crosswalks with stripes, and instead, there are only plain white ones.

France: No Ketchup on Fries

In France, it is illegal to serve ketchup with French fries in school cafeterias. The law was put in place to promote French culinary traditions and encourage students to try different types of sauces.

Australia: No Wearing Hot Pink Pants After Midday on Sunday

If you're thinking of wearing hot pink pants in Victoria, Australia, make sure it's not after midday on a Sunday. It is illegal to wear brightly colored pants during this time, as it is seen as disruptive to the peace.

These laws may seem weird and even funny, but they serve a purpose in their respective countries. So, the next time you travel, make sure to research the local laws to avoid any unwanted surprises.
